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Selections by Goldie Gareza

Our family had a least five different boxes of cereal on constant rotation; you could go a full school week without having the same kind twice! I compare my memories of childhood cereal to the music mixes I make... never the same genre for long. (Although I have a weakness for old school.)

I started whistling when I was 4 years old, and even back then I took no requests.


01. Laverne & Shirley - BG Studios
02. Pop Musik - M (Robin Scott)
03. Eye Know - De La Soul
04. Doo Wa Ditty (Blow That Thing) - Zapp & Roger
05. Rhythm of the Night - DeBarge
06. When I Think of You - Janet Jackson
07. Take Your Time (Do It Right) - The S.O.S Band
08. Strobelite Honey - Black Sheep
09. Monie In The Middle - Monie Love
10. Now That We Found Love Heavy D & The Boyz - Heavy Hitz
11. White Lines - Grandmaster Flash
12. Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
13. Blow - Beyonce
14. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Michael McDonald